Saturday, December 4, 2010

A pictures of North Korea Arcade:

A man took these photos inside an amusement arcade in Pyongyang, capital of North Korea. They will make you very, very grateful that your local still has a functioning SEGA Rally and that you are not from or stuck in North Korea.
 They will also stop you from complaining that one of the steering wheels on Daytona USA isn't very responsive any more.
They will stop you complaining about having to wait five minutes for a go on Street Fighter IV.
They will also stop you complaining about having to pay £2 for a go on OutRun2.
They will stop you complaining about the fierce punch button being a bit temperamental.
They will stop you complaining about the state of the decor.

They will make you happy to not be in North Korea.
But then happy again about not being in North Korea.

North Korea's health care horror, doctors sometimes perform amputations without anesthesia: report

If you find yourself in North Korea, avoid the hospitals.
A report finds doctors working by candlelight and hospitals without necessary medicine, heat or power.
But if that's not bad enough, doctors were found to occasionally perform amputations without giving patients anesthesia.
The shocking details about the tightly-sealed Communist nation's health care system were released Thursday by the human rights group Amnesty Internation

Read more:

North Korea's healthcare is a horror, report says

Amnesty International finds that the country lacks sterilized needles, clean water and medicine. Patients undergo painful surgery without anesthesia, the human rights group says.

July 16, 2010|By Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times
Reporting from Beijing — North Korea's healthcare system is unable to provide sterilized needles, clean water, food and medicine, and patients are forced to undergo agonizing surgery without anesthesia, Amnesty International reported.

Famine-Struck No. Koreans 'Eating Children'
Source: The London Telegraph
Cannibalism is increasing in North Korea following another poor harvest and a big cut in international food aid, according to refugees who have fled the stricken country.

Aid agencies are alarmed by refugees' reports that children have been killed and corpses cut up by people desperate for food. Requests by the United Nations World Food Program to be allowed access to "farmers' markets", where human meat is said to be traded, have been turned down by Pyongyang, citing "security reasons".

Anyone caught selling human meat faces execution, but in a report compiled by the North Korean Refugees Assistance Fund (NKRAF), one refugee said: "Pieces of 'special' meat are displayed on straw mats for sale. People know where they came from, but they don't talk about it."

Building Bombs & Eating Kids: In what can only be described as a horror, refugees from North Korea are reporting that cannibalism is on the rise with children being the most vulnerable.

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